, pub-7146115965938888, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Make $100 Everyday With Google AdSense - How to Make Money Online for Free

Make $100 Everyday With Google AdSense

Let’s Make $100 Everyday With Google AdSense
For the convenience of calculation we assume that – You serve your AdSense ads on your blog or website, irrespective of showing your ads on your mobile site and added the site search results with AdSense.

Your CTR is 1% and your average CPC is $0.25. It’s quite achievable and lots of bloggers usually get it. We also assume that Page View = Ad Impression for easy calculation. You can manipulate the parameters on your own for desired results.
To make $100 everyday you need 40,000 Page Views/day Or, 400 Clicks a day @ 1% CTR and $0.25 CPC. For 40,000 Page Views you have to produce 500 awesome articles or blog posts which attract at least 80 or more page views/article everyday.Apart from CPC, you will also earn from your CPM ad impressions. Irrespective of any niche, the average CPM earning is $1 to $1.5 per 1,000 impressions. You can make $40 to $60 per day easily from 40,000 page views.You can also sell your Ad space directly or via and generate $6,000 Per Month on an average from 40,000 page views. Check out how webmasters and bloggers are making $6,000 to $8,000 Per Month from BuySellAds with forty thousand page views per day. So your daily earning will be $200 (6000/30=200).A niche blog with high quality articles converts very well with affiliate marketing. You can easily earn $40 to $80/day from affiliate selling with correct implementation and execution.
Now your total earning per day is $100 + $40 + $200 +$40 = $380 from CPC, CPM, Direct Ad Sell, Affiliate Marketing for 40,000 page views per day. I’ve taken the lowest possible earnings from all the 4 sources.
$380 per day means $11,400 per month (380X30= 11,400) Or, $136,800 per year (11,400X12=136,800). Isn’t it a whooping amount to lead a lavish life?
Which is well above your desired earning of $100 per day from Google AdSense, right? 1000s of bloggers are making money this way, and you can also do it. The only thing I want to say is “Be Focused!”
P.S. The above results can be possible if you produce at least 200 to 250 great articles or blog posts per year for 2 years. So how much traffic you actually need to make $100 per day from Google AdSense – It’s way less than 40,000 Page Views Per Day!

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