, pub-7146115965938888, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 THE BEST 35 WAYS TO EARN MONEY - How to Make Money Online for Free



1Make Money Online With Swagbucks

6 ways to make money with SwagbucksBasically this is a free site that offers you a bunch of ways to earn cash, gift cards, or other rewards.
You can earn money by a variety of methods including:
  • Answering polls
  • Using their search engine
  • Doing simple tasks (like giving feedback about a website)
  • Getting cash back for shopping online
  • Taking surveys
  • Playing games on their site.
I have tried it out and have received multiple payments from them, so I can attest that it is legit. They also offer a $5 bonus!
Oh and they also have an A+ rating with the BBB.
Click to get started!
While you won’t get rich doing this, to me it seems like a great way for internet-lovers to make some money.  Find out more in our Swagbucks review or get started here.

2Get Paid To Drop Google

InboxDollars (for U.S. only) is another A+ rated online rewards program that differentiates themselves by offering cash payouts, and right now you can instantly get a $5 bonus just for confirming your email address after signing up.
inbox-dollars-paid-searchYou can earn with them by doing the things you are already doing online: using their search engine, printing coupons, watching videos, shopping online, etc.
One of the easiest ways to start earning without spending any time is to make their search engine your homepage. And then automatically you will be earning money every time you search.
After signing up, just click “Search” in the navigation bar, and then click “Make this my home page” like in the image above.
Try Inbox Dollars for Free!
You won’t get rich just using the search engine, but it is free money that you are missing out on by using Google.

3Freebie Trading

A couple years ago I did an interview with a guy who made $28,000 in one year doing this part time. It is work and requires organization skills to do it well, but it is legit.
I tried my hand at it using Project Payday and their training materials to see that it was legit.
Basically companies are willing to pay you to do trial offers for their products. They know that many people who do the trial offer will like their product and continue to be customers, so they are willing to pay people to sign up for trial offers.
So one of the main ways of making money freebie trading is signing up for offers like a Free Netflix trial,, applying for a Discover Card, etc. The key to success seems to be having a calendar where you can keep track of when the trial periods end and make sure to cancel before they end.
If you are interested in learning more I definitely recommend Project Payday as they have a ton of training guides (free if you complete a couple offers) that will greatly simplify the process. Oh and they have a A+ rating with the BBB as well.

4Get Paid For Testing Websites

Many big companies are looking for feedback about the usability of their website.
This is where comes in.  You sign up for free and then answer questions about a particular website, explaining what is good or bad, confusing or clear, etc. and then you get paid.
You have to be accepted into the program and must be 18+, but the payouts are pretty good!  Their current payouts are $10-$15 per test and the tests normally take about 20 minutes.
I found the video below from a tester explaining how it works.

5Use Bookscouter To Sell Books From Thrift Stores

how to make money using the Bookscouter app at thrift storesOk here is a simple business idea for you.
Start by downloading the BookScouter app on your phone or going to
Go visit garage sales or thrift shops and scan the used book sections to find books that you can sell for higher prices.
Many thrift stores sell all their books for 50 cents or less and some of those books are worth a whole lot more.
As you can see in the image to the right, you just scan the barcode with your phone (or enter the ISBN #) and then the app provides the prices that a bunch of book buyback sites are willing to pay for that particular book.
In this case, we can make $3.60 selling this Dave Ramsey book.  If I can buy it for 50 cents, then that sounds like a nice profit.
Most of the sites offer free shipping as well, so you don’t even have to pay shipping.

6making money renting with AirBNBRent Out Your Home On AirBNB

AirBNB is a site that allows you to rent out your home to other people who may just want to visit where you live.
You can rent it out as little or as much as you want and can list it to rent by the night, week, or month. They offer a $1,000,000 guarantee to protect you from any kind of property damage that was caused by renters.
They also have a renter rating system, so you can choose whether or not you want to rent it out to a particular renter. Check out the video below for more: 
If you are interested, find out more at their site.

7Buy And Sell Cars For Profit

earning cash from your carsIf you love cars and aren’t afraid to haggle, you could start a car flipping biz. We have a friend of the family who has done this for years. He scours the classified listings for deals, lands a good deal and then drives the car while trying to sell it for a couple grand more.
Sometimes he sells them quickly, sometimes it takes a little longer, but he gets to drives lots of cars (which he loves) and makes a nice side income as well.
Here is an online course to help you get started.

8How To Make Money Freelance Writing

As they say on the web “content is king” and everyone wants it. Places like Elance or Odesk have thousands of different job openings available for freelance writers.
If you are not in a rush for receiving compensation and know how to do keyword research, there is money to be made writing at Hubpages. For more on this method, check out How to make money with Hubpages.

9Sell Your Closet

If you are anything like my wife, you have a closet full of old clothes that you don’t wear any more.
You can easily sell them on a site like ThredUp, which will pay anywhere from $2-$25 for items from Gap, Banana Republic, J.Crew, etc.  You can click here and then scroll down to the bottom to see what items may sell for.
What I love about them is that all you have to do is pack up your clothes in a box and then just ship it to them – you don’t even have to pay for shipping!
The image below is from their site explaining how it works:
make money with ThredUp

10Take Online Surveys

35 ways to make money I am not particularly fond of the whole online survey thing since I had a bad experience using CashCrate.
But there are lots of online survey sites and people who do it successfully. Here are a few if you want to investigate it further:
I recommend proceeding with caution and definitely not paying anything to join.

11Work As A Virtual Call Center Agent

One of our writers worked as a virtual call center agent and this is what she had to say
“Live Ops is a company that hires virtual call center agents. You are responsible for paying for your own criminal background check prior to starting work (this costs around $30). You also must have your own dedicated phone line and a quiet workspace.
Once you are all set up, Live Ops has an excellent online training program that teaches you how to handle calls from customers. You will be taking calls for many different companies. When you start working, your phone will ring and a script will pop up on your screen. You simply read the script word for word and input customer information as you go along. If customers have questions, there is a section on your screen with FAQ’s and you are also logged into a virtual chat room should you need to ask for support from a supervisor.
The pay is .25 per minute of talk time. Agents typically make anywhere from $7-$14 per hour. As for the hours, they are totally flexible. You can choose which shifts you want to work each week and the shifts are broken down into half hour increments giving you optimal flexibility. You can even log in and work if you are not scheduled for some impromptu cash.”

12Get Paid To Shop

There is a cool app (Android and iPhone) called IBOTTA that pays you for your everyday shopping that you do.  It is completely free and pretty easy to use.
Just watch the quick video for more info, or click here to get started.

13Build Websites For Others

I can’t tell you how many people have asked me to build them a website since I started this one a couple years ago. I am not seeking the work and people are requesting it, so if you do a little legwork and pursue small business owners, there is a lot of work available. Teens might be great for this, because they would be able to work for less than some higher end website developers, which would put them in the price range that it seems many small businesses are looking to spend. Here is a great course to help you get started.

14Get Paid To Tweet

Did you know that advertisers will pay you to send out tweets about their products?
As you could imagine the bigger your audience the more you will get paid, but you can find out more here –

15Sell Stuff On EBay

I just recently made $2145 in one month selling stuff from around the house on Ebay and Craigslist.
You can even sell stuff for friends or family members and split the profits with them.

16Tutor Or Give Lessons

making money giving guitar lessonsAre you great at guitar, math, or kicking a field goal?
Why not advertise your skills to those a few years younger than you?
Many parents are willing to pay a teenager to tutor their child in an area that needs development.
Post an ad to Craigslist for free and see what happens!

17Create Facebook Graphics Or Pages

or Twitter backgrounds for that matter.
Lots of small business owners are needing help making their online presence not so lame.  If you have even the smallest amount of graphic design skill you can help some of them!
Just set up a simple site to sell your work, get a paypal “buy it now link” and you are off and running.

18Get Paid $35/Hr With Lyft

Not sure if you’ve heard, but Lyft is an app that basically eliminates the need to ever call a taxi.  Instead of calling a cab, you just click “request driver” and then a Lyft driver gets a notification and comes and picks you up.
The service is way faster than calling a cab and is about half the price. I say all that to say that as a driver for Lyft, you use your own car, drive only when you want to, and (according to the website) get paid $35/hr to pick people up and drive them around.  Not too shabby.

19Start A Business Doing What You Love

If you have ever wanted to start a business, here is a truly great course to help you get started.  It isn’t free, but I went through it and could not believe how thorough of a step-by-step the course is.  It is packed with very detailed tips, tricks, and suggestions on exactly what you need to do to start a business and start making money.
They are so confident in the success of their students that they guarantee you will make $1,000 from you business in 60 days or they will refund all your money.
It truly is a great course, and I highly recommend if you are wanting to start a business of any kind.

20Rent Out Your Car For $10+ An Hour

I just heard about which allows you to either rent or lend your car to others – and get paid in the process. If you live in a big city, this could be pretty profitable!


Two years ago I wasn’t sure if there was money to be made blogging, but I have since found it to work out nicely. It isn’t something that will provide much income quickly, but if you stick at it, it can.
Since I have been a full-time blogger for many years now, I wrote extensively about how to make money from a blog for those who are interested in this type of thing.

22Raise Money Online

If you are raising money for a community service project or missions, you might want to check out a site like They make it easy for teens to raise money for any type of project. People have used it to raise the money for everything from mission trips to medical bills, weddings and honeymoons, business ventures, and even college tuition.

23Social Marketing Consultant

Many companies are looking for qualified candidates who know the ins and outs of Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter to help them with their social marketing efforts. Head over to a job site and search for “social media marketing”.

24Sell Articles

Following in that same vein, you can sell articles you write at places like,

25Start An EBay Business

Last year I experimented with starting an eBay business to see if there was money to be made.
While profit margins can be thin selling on eBay, there are over a million eBay businesses, so it is a viable option.
selling photos online and making money doing it!

26Sell Digital Photos

Making money as a photographer has become easier over the last decade. There are now lots of sites looking to buy digital photos:
As with most things, the better you are, the more money you will make, but it can be a nice passive income if you work at it!

27Find Odd-Jobs On Craigslist

Some of these might be landscaping work, or similar odd-jobs, but it might be great summer-time work!

28Sell Vintage Items Or Widgets On Etsy.Com

If you create any kind of arts or crafts or widgets of any sort, you should definitely be selling it on

29Design Web Logos

If you have a flair for design, it may be worth trying to make some money designing logos for small business or blogs.

30Make Money By Viewing Ads On Your Android Lock Screen

I’ve been trying out this android app called Locket that puts ads on your lock screen and pays you for each time you unlock your phone. (update: Locket did away with their payment program unfortunately) I’ve been trying it out for a few days and have made about 3 bucks thus far, so it isn’t huge, but at the same time, I didn’t really have to do any work to earn the money. Anyway, if you are interested in checking it out, I have a quick video review that you can watch here…

31Be A Mystery Shopper

This is the dream job isn’t it? You get to shop and get paid!
If you are not familiar with mystery shopping, the gist is that companies often hire everyday people like you and I to come in and pose as regular shoppers.
All the while we are paying attention to how clean the store is, how kind the employees are, etc and then reporting back our findings.
If you are interested you can sign up for mystery shopping jobs in your city or mystery shopping via the phone.

32Offer To Do Jobs On Zaarly.Com

Zaarly is a website that connects those offering random services (like walking a dog, being a personal assistant for a day, giving guitar lessons, etc) with buyers who are looking for those services. I would suggest checking out some of the ideas listed on the site and sign up and offer those services.

33Get Paid From Your IPhone (Smartphone)

There seem to be some apps popping up that pay you to do simple stuff like take a picture of a menu, or of yourself drinking a starbucks, or verifying that a road is closed – you get the picture. Here are a few that I found:

34Teach English (Or Other Language) Classes Online

Did you know that English speakers are in high demand in Asia? As a result many are turning to freelance English teachers using websites like The site is basically a virtual online classroom for freelance teachers and students. Anyone can offer lessons (and set their own price) and anyone can take lessons. From a quick scan, it looks like making $15-20/hour is a fair expectation.

35Sell Plasma Or Do Medical Studies

Not sure how old you have to be, nor how painful it is, but if you are into that sort of thing, it can be a way to make some quick money.
You can find plasma donation centers here or if you want to do medical studies, you can just google “medical studies” + your city to find some options.
I have a couple friends who have almost done this exclusively as a job. They were basically human guinea pigs, but they made some decent cash at it. Sometimes they would have be at the medical facility for up to 48 hours, so your schedule may need to be flexible.

This article was written by Bob

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