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How to Make $100K in a few steps

How to Make $100K Selling Your Own Product

This  site serves to teach people about the techniques to be successful information marketers.
But I also want it to serve as motivation and a reality check for those that may be thinking of launching their own product but haven’t done so OR those that have launched their own product but are struggling to make an income from it.
How to create your product is covered here in product creation outline. In this post I will show you how you can expand your current product from one format like ebook to audio or video very easily and quickly.
I want to break it down and show you what is needed to make $100,000 per year from your product. Hopefully, once you see the numbers you will realize it is totally within reach.
Best Payment Processors
For digital product you will need a way to collect payment and deliver the digital product.
I recommend Ejunkie  which is $5 a month but you need a paypal account to accept payments or Clickbank a one off $49.95 fee but then an ongoing % of sales, no paypal account accepted.
How to Make $100,000 a Year with Your Own Product
$37 eBook
$37 x 2703 sold = $100,011
If you break that down per month 2703/12 = 225 eBooks sold per month!
Less than 10 a day.
Are there 10 people in the world that you can help with your knowledge or benefit from what you have to say?
$297 Audio Program
$297 x 337 = $100,089.
337/12 months = 28 audio programs per month
Less than 1 a day.
You can easily record audio with your computer if it has mic or a cheap plug in/headsetUse the free audio program audacity.
Divide your topic into about 6 section that you think you could talk for 1 hour on. That will make 6 CDs. If you know your topic really well (and you should your the expert in it) you should easily be able to talk about it for 6 hours.
Use a company like Disc Makers to put the audio to CDs.
Why CDs and not just downloadable audio? You can use downloadable audio but I think the perceived value is cheaper. Sometimes and actual physical product that needs to be shipped will have more perceived value in the customers eye.
$47 Teleseminar
$47 x 2128 =$100,016
2128/12 months = 177 people a month
For $97 a month (2 paying customers) you can use instant teleseminarand set up 250 US and Canada dial ins.
$47 DVDs or Downloadable Video
$47 x 2128 =$100,016
2128/12 months = 177 people a month
Most videos are people in front of a white board (easy if you got one) or just screen captures of power points. If your doing screen captures you can use the free camstudio it will also record audio at the same time. Now that can be instantly downloaded or convert it and get it burned to DVD with Disc Makers.
$67 Webinar
$67 x 1493=$100,031.00
1493/12 month = 124 per month
Use GotoWebinar and for $99 a month you will have everything from registration forms, email reminders, statistics and surveys all covered for you.


So there you have it – something to work towards. I hope it now appears more tangible to you and when you break it down and actually see the numbers you go “far out I can do that!”.
So put it on your vision board, in your spreadsheet goals or somewhere you can see it daily to help motivate you to work towards it.
Remember if you are struggling with product creation steps check out myproduct creation outline or use instant product creation and have a product created in 48 hours.
Share your creative ways to make $100K below!

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